Those Moments in your life where you just wish the floor would open up and swallow you whole.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Just imagine being around lots of people when..........

Your child blurts out something that shouldn't be said. Little kids pick up so much whether we believe that or not. You could be waiting in line with your child and most children about the age of 2 to 4 have this habit of clinging to your legs. It can be cute as well, when they walk a few feet away from you and you are watching to see what they are doing. They begin to walk backwards with their attention still focused on whatever they were looking at.

Then they grab some one Else's leg thinking it was yours. They look up with a scared frighten look, then they say "Mommy a big scary man was looking at me". You all just try to laugh about it and move on having that embarrassing moment hanging over your head. Next you are waiting in line, and there goes those clinging hands again reaching up your skirt feeling you there. You all know what I am talking about, I know if you are a parent and have kids they have done this. Then they blurt out, "Mommy your not wearing any under ware"

You gracefully turn red and say yes pumpkin I am and you need to get your hand down cause that's not nice. Then they say "Oh you are wearing those wedgie under ware. Making you turn almost as red as a tomato. Kids always seem to say those things when you are in a place where ears are. I don't know why or what they are thinking, but I know we all wish they didn't.

Yeah they do grow up and you can look past all of the mishaps when they were little and simply laugh about it. At the time though we could all wish that the floor would open up and swallow us whole. I can remember telling my mom when I was young that I was going to marry Micheal and we were going to have 10 kids. We needless to say I didn't Marry a Micheal and I didn't have 10 kids. I guess we all must live and learn!

Valentines day is almost here but, Easter is Next!
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